Tips for Parents
The following tips are a daily reference to help you make the school the most positive experience possible for you and your children.
Drop-off children by 9:00 a.m. Not later than 9:00 am. At this time we start with circle time which is one of the most important activities in the day. Be consistent: Always drop your child at the same time.
Each morning… Remember:
1. The school is an educational resource with a set schedule and curriculum.
2. The bulk of the daily curriculum happens in the morning
3. Children dropped off on time nap better, join in playgroups easily, and don’t miss special activities or playground time
Greet and communicate with teachers when dropping off and picking up children
Take an extra moment to:
1. Read bulletin boards and notes from teachers
2. Check art folders and/or cubbies
Make sure children’s cubbies are stocked with weather appropriate clothing
Follow the Guidelines for Illness at School
Volunteer to read or share your skill area/expertise with the class
Show appreciation and say “thank you” to teachers and staff